Family Reunion in Milbank

Ortonville, Minnesota
This weekend we took a quick jog out west to visit relatives in the Milbank, South Dakota area.  We had a great time, and we were treated liked royalty with roast pig, and graciousness at every stop.  Not being a blood relative to this group I was a bit shy on the picture taking, which I now deeply regret, but here are some of my shots from the weekend.

Tim and Jeanie's Barn...
So in many ways this was a trip to a very different slice of American life.  As you drive west you see the periodic mansion with high ceilings and huge glass windows, but as you travel from one town to the next I saw many people living what I would consider to be hard scrabble lives -- fighting mightily for a comfortable middle class existence. 

One of the first sights that jumped out at me where the public parks with a host of flags around the town monument.

Once in Milbank we were lucky enough to have a great lunch at Tim and Jeanie's home, complete with a beautiful barn that the neighborhood swallows were enjoying.

Always up for a little play time.
Stalking our dog, Shiloh
Not only do Tim and Jeanie have swallows, goldfinches, and all sorts of birds, but they have a large cat population.  Here was a spirited kitten playing with Emily, Tom's daughter.     

This morning while there was a final gathering in support of the birthday celebration for Vi, I got to wander the downtown area and capture some of the larger buildings from the early 1900's...
City Hall, complete with a 1904 statue commemorating Civil
War Veterans.

Next I wandered through the main street and took this shot in black and white...
Downtown Milbank on a Sunday Morning
Stumbling across a downtown area that was once more vibrant always saddens me a bit.  There are these handsome brick buildings that are now not hanging on as pizza joints or yoga studios..... 

Here is a Carnegie Library that is now home to the Historical society.  More later... 


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